Welcome to our newest member,  Connie Olson! Connie has lived her entire life in the Rapid City area. She is married, has 4 children and 10 grandchildren ranging from 8 weeks to 22 years.

She has worked for Youth & Family Services for the past 32 years, currently serving as Chief Development Officer. She is passionate about helping to meet the needs of some of our community's most vulnerable children.

Prior to working at YFS, she worked in Labor & Delivery at Rapid City Regional Hospital and was Financial Aid Director for Rapid City Regional's School of Nursing until it closed.

Connie enjoys traveling with her husband who is a pilot, camping, cooking, crafting, and spending time with family. In her free time, she serves as a Trustee on Rapid Valley Water & Sanitary District's Board of Directors and also chairs the Festival of Lights Parade.

Connie's interest in Rotary was sparked when the club partnered with YFS in 2020 to help meet immediate, urgent needs of families impacted by COVID. To date, more than 140 families have been impacted through this partnership.