We are happy to share this recent news story produced by Nebraska Public Broadcasting. The equipment you will see was purchased by our Global Grant. While equipment and supplies purchases have slowed, the artists are busy creating and marketing their products.
Holly Albers, marketing manager, is currently recruiting additional artists. They will have  opportunities to attend quilting and sewing equipment training in Rapid City this winter. Also, skills classes on various craft/art subjects will be offered. Our grant will reimburse travel and class expenses. 
 Global Grant committee members are happy to respond to any questions regarding this project.
Ina Winter, Hot Springs Rotary, D5610 PDG 2019-20 kristine.ina.winter@gmail.com
Linda Peterson, Rushmore Rotary, PDG 2014-15, RPIC 2018-20 linda4rotary@me.com
Tom Katus, Rushmore Rotary, Omniciye Committee tmkatus@gmail.com